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Monday 18 December 2017

1O Travel Essentials


Hey there! Welcome back to my blog! This post will be my absolute must-have essentials for traveling. Doesn't matter where to, there are just general ones. Enjoy!



Headphones are always much needed for traveling. Whether you're on a plane going somewhere exotic, in the car going somewhere just outside your city or even on a cruise. You'll need your headphones while you're waiting out the hours till you reach your destination. They help with your excitement and help you focus more on the music instead of counting the hours!



When you know that you're gonna be on a long trip, you'll now that sleep is one of the best ways to pass time! But ig you're in a car, trying to sleep, the lights will flash through the windows as you drive by them and that could be really annoying. Or when you're on a plane and the person next to you, behind you or in front of you has there light on, that can be annoying to. But never fear for the sleeping masks are here! Simply purchase one for a store near you or online before you go on your trip. That way you can sleep well without being disturbed.



My favorite essential so far definitely has to be a good book! (I will be doing an article of my top 10 books!) A book is such a good way to escape reality wherever you are and take you into another world...It helps pass time and really keeps you busy and interested in the book instead of impatiently waiting for you to arrive at your holiday or any destination.



Snacks are always a must-have. Even though if you're on a plane and they might serve meals, it's always good to have your own snacks in case you don't like what they serve or if you aren't able to eat it due to dietary requirements. But snacks in general for a trip anywhere for a long distance trip are good. That way you don't have to stop to get food if you're in a car or you don't have to eat the food the staff on a plane offers you. My suggestion is to pack healthy snacks instead, But unhealthy snacks can be okay at times too, just not too many. (I will also be doing a health meal prep for a week soon!)



A tablet or iPad is a good idea to take along, make sure you have games or fashion or beauty apps on there to keep you occupied! Playing games and fashion/beauty apps are fun as it is, so what better way to use that to your advantage while you're traveling.



Sunglasses aren't meant for the getting-there-part, unless you're taking a road trip. However, there is no such thing as a holiday or trip without a good, stylish pair of sunglasses to rock on the beach, walking through the villages or wherever the sun seems to shine! They're great for pictures too!



What happens if you have been on your phone during a trip listening to music or watching a show on it and it dies? Simple, you pack a power bank. You're able to get them at tech stores or online. Make sure you purchase one that is of good quality so it actually lands up charging your phone. So don't forget to pack one with you in your carry on or backpack!!



Luggage and carry on bags are obviously an essential when it comes to traveling, however, you need to know how many bags are needed and one carry on bag. You should pack according to where you are going and what season it is there. I use an app called Packpoint. (I will be mentioning more about Packpoint in a blog with packing list) 



When traveling, you should be wearing a comfortable outfit. It's not a fashion show but you can still look stylish. My go-to is usually a pair of comfy black jeans which you can pair with absolutely anything. Wear comfortable walking shoes too so your feet don't land up hurting and getting cramps.



The final essential is the most important one. Water is highly recommended to carry around wherever you go. It's always a good idea to keep a bottle with you while you travel anywhere. You need to be able to stay hydrated!


Thats all foe this post, hope you enjoyed it! If you have any ideas for me to blog about or if you have any questions, please feel free to email me on thisisdefine@gmail.com or any of my social media platforms. 


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